We have a small wintry mix event for NW of 95 that will result in some minor impacts, with impacts increasing the further north and west you go. A low pressure system will track northeastward off the gulf coast and into the Delmarva as it intensifies over SE VA. Precip will overspread the DMV in the morning, starting out as wintry precip for most. Areas along and E of 95 are expected to see very minimal accumulations and a quick transition to a cold rain.
As the event progresses, strong WAA will warm the 850 mb temps to above freezing as a warm nose is pushed northwestward, while cold air is still at the surface. Unlike a few days ago, this opens the potential to overall wintry precip rather than just snow to rain. These 850mb temps will vary, with the coldest temps being in the mountains and W of the Blue Ridge. Here, the primary ptype will likely be snow. It is very likely that everyone E of the BR will warm enough to see a wintry mix of sleet, freezing rain, and rain(more wintry precip the more NW you go).

The confidence of this storm is generally very low even this close to the event, due to the extremely tight gradient setting up near the RS line; this is going to be a nowcast event. A 1-3 degree difference will make or break this setup. Due to the preceding temps and low wetbulb temps, wintry precip(where it does happen) should stick pretty easily. The best confidence for significant snow is W of I81, the Catoctins and westward, into the mountain counties. Although it seems surface temps were colder than modeled, the 850 mb temps according to IAD sounding look just as modeled, this doesn't really mean anything yet. Nonetheless, most of the region will see some wintry precip, with accumulations starting as soon as you head N and W from the cities.
Making a snow map for this event was difficult, but here are my general thoughts as of now:

Everyone E of 95 sees all rain, this is medium-high confidence. At the very most a couple of flakes may mix in at the border parts, but very little to no wintry precip is expected here. 95 and just NW is looking to see a T-1"(trace does not mean measurable snow). I think everyone here sees at least wintry precip falling, even with a quick transition to rain. This area also has low confidence, and will setup the start of the very large gradient. The more snow accumulation the more NW you go. Immediately NW of DC/Balt(outside the cities), there is some chance for some very minor ice/snow accumulation. This will be washed away quite quickly however.
The light blue zone(for areas closer to DC) I think will see enough snow/sleet to accumulate, as well as some ice accumulation. This area is extremely uncertain though, with the lowest confidence. The dark blue zone is the same idea as the light blue, but more snow/sleet and more ZR. Again, extremely low confidence in these areas; small temp differences can make or break this.
However, the light blue area near I81 is likely going to see large ice accumulations(potential of 0.1-0.25"+ here). This area is W enough to have enough cold air at the surface but WAA will quickly turn most precip here into freezing rain. The predominant ptype here looks like freezing rain, but some sleet/snow will likely fall.
The purple area is much more confident as this area likely stays snow long enough to see moderate accumulations(3-5"). Even here, there is a slight concern that mixing will cut down a bit, but any mixing shouldn't be too long. The predominant precipitation type here is snow. The red area is the bullseye and the mountainous areas. These areas have higher confidence.
Here are the current onset and warning maps, WSWs are up for just E of I81 and westward, as well as Frederick/Carroll Counties. WWAs are all the way down to the metros, primarily due to ice concerns. Generally, if you can avoid travel near I70/I81, do so, but closer to DC, travel shouldn't be too bad. We see an areawide E of I81 transition to mix and then rain by 10AM to 2 PM.