Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Final Prediction for Wednesday Snow(Correct)

A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for all of MoCo. It says to expect 3-6 inches of snow and 0.1-0.2 inches of ice(freezing rain). NBC 4 goes with 4-7 inches of snow for most of MoCo. Extreme Southern MoCo is in the 2-4 inches. WUSA 9 goes with 3-5 inches+ for most of MoCo and 1-3 inches for the other area(third call). ABC 7 goes with 6+ inches for most of MoCo. Extreme Southern MoCo is in the 4-6 inches amount, which is still a good amount(ABC 7). Fox 5 goes with 5-8 inches of snow for 20% of MoCo and the other 80% percent is in 3-5 inches range. Lots of these data will be updated as new model info comes in and that affects the snow maps. My forecast is 3-6 for 80% of MoCo and the other 20% 4-7 inches. In areas like Montgomery Village, there is an okay chance that they could see more than 6 inches(37%); it just isn't that likely. Around 3-7 AM is when the snow starts. Wednesday afternoon is when it starts to turn into a mix; areas in Northern MoCo will hold on for the snow the longest.  Wednesday evening is when it turns to regular rain.

We will be having guests predict! The first is Zachary! The second is Philip!

Zachary's prediction: 5 snowflakes.
"I went 5 snowflakes because there's snow, sleet, AND freezing rain."
Philip's prediction: 5 snowflakes.
"No school."
My prediction: 5 snowflakes.
Image result for 5 snowflakes

The amounts are enough to close school and it starts at the rush hour, so opening on time isn't an option. A two hour delay isn't enough because it will still be snowing at 11AM and when the high and middle schoolers go to school, it will be snowing. It won't change to rain until the evening. REMEMBER, THIS IS JUST A PREDICTION. YOU SHOULD STILL TREAT IT AS A FULL DAY. Thank you Zachary for finding out a typo on the rating system!
Q: Will MCPS take days out of our spring break yet?
A: Yes. Since there isn't school on Wednesday, Feb 20, they will start to take spring break away.

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