Many people across the DMV, including the Baltimore metro, saw snow falling today. Surprisingly, no snow fell at BWI, so according to weather history(if it doesn't snow tomorrow), this will be the first snowless February ever for BWI(this has never happened before!). I found reports of snow falling in Dulles, Leesburg, Poolesville, the Baltimore metro, and I saw snow falling in Gaithersburg(3 rounds so far. I made a document on snowfall this season, and I made a report on EVERY time snow fell. Here is the report:
02/28/2020: Flurries/Snow Showers started to fall at around 2:30 PM and lasted until 2:38 PM. It was above 32 degrees when snow fell, so the snow melted on contact. At 4:41 PM, moderate snow started to fall. It stuck to surfaces but melted after a while. At 4:45 PM, the snow became lighter and turned into flurries/snow showers. Snow ended at around 4:53 PM. At around 4:57PM, snow started to fall again. It was light snow(flurries/snow showers, and it didn't stick to surfaces(melted on contact). It ended at 5PM.
I am not sure if this true, but I think that this could be the first time in history for Dulles, BWI, and Gaithersburg where we have no measurable snow in February(even if this has already happened it will be one of the few rare times this happens)(the only other snow event that happened was when I saw a dusting of snow on 02/07/2020)(the day when the tornado warnings happened)(not measurable though). A trace of snow is when any amount of snow has fallen and stuck to the ground, not measurable snow. This winter has been pathetic. I have only recorded 4.8" of snow so far, and that is much below average(average is 21" for Gaithersburg). Hopefully, March is better, but from the way it's looking so far, it looks like most of March will be just feel like and be an early start spring(temps look to be above average for March). This doesn't mean that we cannot have snow OR that we don't have a below-average temp day, thankfully. Hopefully next year will be better!