Saturday, March 14, 2020

Mixed Snow and Rain Possible Saturday Night-Sunday Morning

Snow could mix in with the showers/rain in MoCo tonight, mainly in our northern areas(and places north and west of MoCo). There could also be mixing early Sunday AM as well. However, since temps will stay above 32 degrees, there should be no accumulation, and probably mixed rain and snow, not full, plain snow. We are expected to enter a cold pattern(including the rest of the Northeast) around late March. This means that snow chances could be a little bit higher than normal for that time of the year(keyword: could). Will it really happen? I personally think that it is likely. Snow chances? I don't really know, it depends how cold it will get. Temps could still stay above average but be colder than it is right now, temps could be average, or temps could be below average. We need to be below average for a chance for snow.  However, due to MCPS closing for 2 weeks due to COVID-19, if snow falls between 3-15-2020-3-30-2020, it won't have any impact because schools are already closed. Because of the USA entering into a colder pattern, don't be surprised if we have out of season cold, and even snow threats. Anyways, the severe weather season is starting, so my posts will start to become more severe weather related.

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