Saturday, January 4, 2020

Winter Forecasts for the 2019-2020 Winter!(snowfall)(FIRST POST OF 2020!)

Yes, this is the moment you have been waiting for, the WINTER FORECASTS FOR 2019-2020! In my opinion, these forecasts predict good snow for this year(average to above average), but others predict below average.

Here is FOX 5's forecast:               
Fox 5 predicts 25-35 inches for the upper 1/3 of the county and 15-25 inches for the other 2/3 of the county. The more north you live in the county, the more snow you will get(I would say we are in the 20-30 inches range).
Here is NBC 4's winter forecast for this year:
  NBC 4's forecast is a jackpot for snow. Southern MoCo will get 18-26"(amounts to the higher end) and Middle and Northern MoCo will get 28-37"(that is a lot!). According to Doug Kammerer, he is going for about 50% more snowfall than average. "I think we’re going to see a couple of pretty good storms, meaning 6 to 10" snowstorms or 6 to 12" snowstorms," said Doug.
Here is WUSA 9's forecast:
 WUSA 9 expects a La Nada winter this season. This means that there could be a lot of snow, or very little snow. They are saying that cities that are in the beltway(basically the southern half of MoCo) will receive below-average snow, but since we are on the edges, I will say that the Southern half of MoCo gets 1-3 inches below average, probably less than that. This winter map is predicting is average to above-average snowfall this year(about). The other half of MoCo should be getting above-average snow. We are in the 10-30" range(15-30 is better estimated for the whole county).

Here is ABC 7's forecast:
This shows awfully below-average snow for our county. 7-22 inches?! We get can 7 inches and more in 1 snowstorm, this is the forecast that is the least optimistic. Most of MoCo is in the 12-22" area, while the other part of MoCo is in the 7-17" area. This forecast is extremely below average, but not as bad as the 2017 and 2018 winter.

The Capital Weather Gang's Forecast:

According to Capital Weather Gang, the 2nd half of winter(very late January to end of winter)(late March) will be harsh(lots of snow and cold temps) after a gentle start(non-significant snow events)(4">)(normal temps). That means the whole month of February(and early March) will be the prime time for snowstorms. Anyways, 55% of MoCo is in the 14-24" range(places 1000'< have a higher chance of getting 24"+) and the other northern 45% is in the 22-34" area(areas 1000'< will most likely have 34"+ of snow). Montgomery County(specifically) will get 15-25" of snow. This map shows around average to slightly below average snowfall. Now, let's look at the average of these maps!

Fox 5: 15-35" of snow.

NBC 4: 18-37" of snow.

WUSA 9: 19-30" of snow. 

ABC 7: 7-22" of snow.

Capital Weather Gang: 15-25" of snow.

AND THE AVERAGE OF THESE MAPS ARE... 14.8 inches- 29.8 inches of snow! Is this below average snow for MoCo. Above-average? The average amount of snow(for MoCo) is 16-27" of snow(Bethesda-Damascus)! So, the 2020 winter will have an average of 22.3" this year(snow amount most people will get). The average amount of snow is 21.5"(for the county as a whole)! So, the 2020 winter will have(according to these maps) will have above average snowfall(0.8" more!)!! WE WILL HAVE ABOVE AVERAGE SNOWFALL! This is good if you are a snow lover and/or you want more snow days(and delays). NBC 4 has the most optimistic map for snowfall, while ABC 7 is the least optimistic map for snowfall. Overall, we will get(according to my predictions)(based on the maps) 3-7 snow days this year(we already had one)! Delays won't be predicted because delays depend on how much small snow events there are(Alberta clippers) and freezing rain(melts before 10:45 AM). There is no predictions for freezing rain, so it is way harder to predict. If I had to take a wild guess, I would say 5-13 delays this year, though I am pretty sure I will be wrong. We also have subzero temperatures and wind chills to deal with, so it makes it even harder for me to predict. This winter should be good, so stay tuned to my posts! Thanks for reading!

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