There is a chance that we will see some mixed precipitation(this could mean sleet, freezing rain, snow, mixed rain and snow, etc.). However, that chance increases the further north you go. The Blue Ridge and the Allegany Front will probably see snow, sleet, and/or freezing rain, with minor accumulations expected. However, for MoCo, even if we do see mixed precipitation, there will be no accumulation at all. Temps will be too high for any sticking. This will either change into rain or stay rain all throughout the course of this night(depending on where you live). However, in the hazardous weather outlook issued by the NWS for our county said that pockets of freezing rain may continue into Monday morning, however, I think they are talking about the mountains. Damascus' elevation is around 800 feet, so mixed precip there is pretty plausible(I am not saying that it is likely, but I am saying that that area has a better chance than the rest of the county). The NWS shows mixed precip EXPECTED for half the county valid Sunday-Monday(8AM)(however this map is very zoomed out so I can't really see if it covers the whole county or just a certain part). I don't think everyone will see mixed precip, but it is definitely possible, and not out of the question.
The National Weather Service shows mixed precip for about half the county, happening between 8 AM Sun-8 AM Mon. |
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